Monday, 5 March 2012

The Value of Relaxing

OK so this is going to be a quick one owing to the fact I will be going food shopping in a bit, so much for the relaxing part. But having worked 14 days of a fifteen day stretch I'm very much looking forward to my my day off on Wednesday & celebrating it with a hot chocolate in the hot tub. It isn't until you work such long stints of work do you realise how important days off are to you, I know a few friends & family members who will most definitely concur. A day that you might actually relish for the amount of activity making your day fly by seems more of a daunting task & you just wish you could say bugger this for a game of soldiers I'm going to bed. But in this day & age we quite often bite off more than we can chew in our work life, just so we can make ends meet, but we do need our downtime otherwise we crash & burn usually in a rather spectacular way that makes us feel worse & less likely to want to/able to get back into the swing of normal life. So at least try & take a little time out in your day to either meditate, relax or snooze, just don't forget to snap out of it when you need to, even though its sooooooo comfy. Anyway food shopping wont do itself & I need to put laundry through so I don't have to wear the dreaded wash day pants.

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