Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Going Gardening

Today I have decided that it is going to be a gardening day, a war on nature to make things look pretty that is more welcoming to other nature paradoxically. My garden is over run with herb robert & although it shares my namesake & is pretty it has sprawled everywhere & all from one tiny plant 4 years ago, it doesn't even attract much in the way of wildlife to it, oh the foolishness of aesthetics, if  I had known about exactly how aggressively it spread I would have never let it stay. I suppose that is how the problems with the likes of buddliea, rhododendron & Japanese knotweed started. I also have problems with ivy, forget me nots, strawberries, mustards & marigolds but all these just need thinning rather than eradicating as they are beneficial to either myself or nature. So when people say they are being at one with nature in the garden they are not being so as nature taking over is always desirable either to us or nature. I am planting with nature in mind, but hoping the outcome will be both as appealing to nature as it is to me. Our garden will under go a major transformation as some of the beds will disappear due to an extension being built on the house, so I shall be recycling the bricks to create a new raised bed in a part of the garden that is sadly neglected & is a wildlife desert, but hoping to grow veg there so that I can nourish myself as well as insects. All I have to do now is by a water pistol for the war on cats.

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