Sunday, 11 March 2012

Keep Calm & Carry On

These posters are appearing everywhere now & although they had a sense of Britishness about them to begin with, they now have a sense of humour with them, from the likes of Keep Calm & Have a Cupcake to Keep Calm & Remove the Arrow from your Knee (geeks & computer game widows will know what the last one is on about). But it does hold a good advice. Today this was very much true, a major technical glitch could have meant everybody's shift got cancelled if it wasn't for the deputy manager thinking on her feet & instituting a very good plan b. Having made all arrangements to cover pretty much most scenarios that could have arisen & explaining them calmly to the rest of us gave us a sense that even though there was a major underlying problem everything should be OK if we keep it together. The shift went by without a hitch, no one took an arrow to the knee & even though if luck had dealt us a different hand & it turned out worse, we would have gotten through because of our mindset at the time. So today's shift didn't seem much different from any other day, even though the underlying issue wasn't fully fixed till 10 minutes before we closed the doors. Well done guys, proud of you all, especially my deputy manager.

There are days though that I am the one who has to deal with a major situation & I tend to do rather well at it, however on times when there is only minor occasions when only little things go wrong I flap. Perhaps I just vent my panic on the insignificant things so I can be calm when it really matters. But when you panic it invariably leads you nowhere, keep calm & carry on does bring us a relatively positive outcome even if things don't quite go according to plan & then when you get home you can treat yourself to nice cold glass of.. oh yeah I nearly forgot I'm doing Lent, bugger, it will have to be a glass of fruit juice, oh well, no need to panic.

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